Friday, March 23, 2007

FW: mtg-busyinternet-230307 (live on the GHAJICT blog)

GHAJICT Constitution Meeting


Venue: BusyInternet, Ring Road, ACCRA



  1. Adoption of Minutes / Agenda
  2. Membership dues
  3. Fundraising opportunities (UNDP, etc)
    1. GHAJICT Treasurer should immediately liaise with Kwami Ahiabenu III on this
  4. registration of association
    1. who will take lead on registration? What signatures needed?
    2. which bank?—(ECOBANK)

                                                              i.      individual account for now / savings acct

                                                             ii.      can treasurer take care of this?

    1. Fees (GHC150,000/quarter)

                                                              i.      Members can pay in advance/yearly

    1. Possible date of launch?

                                                              i.      April-end? Or on World Information Society Day (Thu 17 May[1])?

                                                             ii.      Coordination / basic communication strategy for launch:

1.      a hotel? BusyInternet? Kofi Annan-IT CE?

2.      which media outlets? Radio? TV? Print media?

3.       aob

  1. BLOG Activity
    1. Executive members and executive must maintain their blogs
    2. We need “blog whip” to remind those GHAJICT members ( to keep up
  2. Membership cards
    1. Talk to Busyinternet

                                                              i.      Find out fees

                                                             ii.      cost

                                                           iii.      Let’s get them done

  1. Communication Tools
    1. GHAJICT now on—available to African blogosphere
    2. Blog exists—what can be improved

                                                              i.      Executive members should ALL be contributors

    1. Ideas for website
    2. newspaper


  1. AOB



[1]Wednesday, 17 May 2006: First World Information Society Day

The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), held in November 2005, adopted the Tunis Agenda for the Information Society, which recognized that there is a need to build more awareness of the Internet. It specifically called upon the United Nations General Assembly to declare 17 May World Information Society Day. (


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